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Molecular Specialization of the Sea Lamprey Gustatory Chemosensory System

This project examines the molecular mechanisms of gustatory signal transduction of bile acid and bitter tastants in the taste sensory cells and defines the central mechanisms involved in transmitting gustatory signals in the brain. Our specific objectives are twofold: 1) to characterize signal transduction pathways in the peripheral taste buds. We will identify the signal transduction proteins and their functional profiles within the taste buds to identify suitable candidate genes to serve as targets for modification. We will identify i) the amino acid sequence of proteins associated with bile acid and bitter signal transduction ii) the localization of these proteins in the lamprey taste buds. iii) food-related chemical stimuli that activate these specific transduction pathways in the taste buds. 2) to characterize the effects of tastants in the central nervous system and on behavior. We will identify: i) the neural pathways in the brain that process gustatory signals ii) the physiological responses of neurons in the brain to gustatory signals and iii) the behavioral responses to tastants in a semi-intact preparation developed specifically for examining feeding and locomotion.



Research Program
Sea Lamprey Research Program

Research Theme
Chemosensory Communication Systems

Start Date

End Date

PI Name
Zielinski, Barbara

PI Email

PI Institution
University of Windsor

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